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Student's Alumni Outreach Trip

A group of Form Five (5) students were part of the first installment of the Alumni Outreach program. A program conducted by the St. Joseph's Cathedral High School Alumni Association (SJCHSAA).

SJCHSAA aims to inspire, motivate and teach the students at the school through the footsteps, minds and experience of Alumni.

Our Alumni host on this day was Mr. George Harrison (2013). A jack of all trades and serial businessman, Mr. George and his staff were kind enough to host the students at his office premises.

The students had the opportunity to ask questions and have productive dialogue with Mr. George and his staff.

One student asked Mr. George

I want to start a company just like you but i do not know where to start. Do you have any tips on how i can start

Mr. George's Reply was

In order to start something you just simply start, experience throughout your journey will help you answer the questions that come forward. When i started this i had no one to tell me what to do but i just went ahead and did it, as days went by i grew more confident and more informed and i was able to answers more questions that the business world threw at me

It was a wonderful day and we can say that the students will benefit so much from this program organized by SJCHSAA.

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